The Exchange Rules
Welcome to the Patriot Gun Builders Exchange.
Before participating (or to even see the Exchange sections) you must be a member in good standing for 30-days and have made 45 genuine comments on the forums. Upon reaching that status, you will see a "Exchange Privileges" banner under your username.
Please don’t spam the board with “ditto” or other post-whore comments just to run your numbers up. We encourage authentic participation in the PGB community.
- By participating in the Exchange you acknowledge and affirm that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by these rules. Any violation may result in a ban from the Exchange or even the rest of the forum site.
- All buyers / sellers acknowledge the use of the Exchange is "at your own risk." Patriot Gun Builders and its Staff members will not be held liable for failed or disputed transactions. PGB staff will not settle disputes, nor provide legal advice. You’re on your own!
- All buyers / sellers will comply with all federal, state, and local laws. If you need to research something, Google the A T F’s site. Also research your own state, county, municipal laws. Don’t get yourself in trouble! Patriot Gun owners and staff assume no liability on behalf of members postings, listings, or actions.
Ignorance of the law will not protect you, so make sure you know what you are doing before you do it. Do your homework!
- For now… No Guns can be listed for sale. If the government alphabet agencies consider it a gun, please do not list it here. For now, it’s just parts and other gun-related items.
Listing for sale, trade, or want-to-buy any privately or home-built or non-serialized firearm or component designated as a firearm by the A T F is strictly prohibited. The same goes for any N F A items. If it even smells illegal, it will be deleted, and you may be banned.
- USE COMMON SENSE. Please be careful about where you send your money. If the party is not a regular buyer / seller on PGB, check references. It’s not fun when you get ripped off.
We cannot vouch for any member who posts items in the Exchange. Trust your spidey senses!
- Do not post any advertisement in any other PGB section / forum outside the PGB Exchange Forum. Advertising is prohibited in all other sections / forums on Patriot Gun Builders.
- To list an item in the Exchange:
- Select the appropriate item category forum.
- Click the Post Thread button at the top right of the page or fill in the “Thread Title” box at the top of the section. Create an appropriate title.
- Select the correct Prefix (to the left of the title):
- For Sale / Trade
- Wanted to Buy
- Free / Pay It Forward
- Write a description / tell the story of your item in the “message” section.
- What is the condition of the item? New? Like new? Good? Rough?
- Mention any flaws – scratches, dents, etc.
- Post images from all angles possible, as appropriate.
- Below the description section you’ll find required fields for item name and price. These will automatically be posted at the top of your post.
- You can also optionally add tags to your listing at the very bottom of the form. Some members may search for items using tags.
- Please keep your bumps and BTTs (Back To Top) in the 'Classifieds' section to once per day. Over-use of the “BTT” comment strategy may result in the post being removed.
- Please edit your listing prefix to "ENDED" upon completion of the transaction.
- Do not post comments regarding the merit, price, or description of the item(s) listed within the Classifieds ad. If you have a “problem” with a listing, please alert PGB staff or private message the member privately. Do not argue or make rude or “troll” comments on any item listed.
- Negotiations and financial and shipping arrangements are to be done via Private Message.
- If there is a serious problem with an ad or the member posting the ad, report the post or contact a Moderator or Admin.
- Do not post links to ads you may have on other boards, forums, or auction sites such as GunBroker or GunsAmerica.
- The Exchange area is not for use by commercial entities, merchants, dealers, or distributors. If you are a commercial business and want to post ads or offers on PGB, please contact the administrator at