2025 SC Build

Very creative.

What do you do with the guns you create? Put them on display? A shadow box sort of affair with several of your pieces would be an interesting object 'd art.

I have no artistic talent. It's also my personal goal to never have someone notice my firearm. I guess that's why I like them to be so boring. :) And hidden from view.
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Very creative.

What do you do with the guns you create? Put them on display? A shadow box sort of affair with several of your pieces would be an interesting object 'd art.

I have no artistic talent. It's also my personal goal to never have someone notice my firearm. I guess that's why I like them to be so boring. :) And hidden from view.
I see Hawkeye as being akin to the sword smiths of feudal Japan. Turning a weapon into a work of art.
I have no artistic talent. It's also my personal goal to never have someone notice my firearm. I guess that's why I like them to be so boring. :) And hidden from view.

While I DO have plenty of artistic talent, I still prefer a plain-jane gun, out of sight, out of mind.
I DO like polished stainless-steel guns, though. :)
Very creative.

What do you do with the guns you create? Put them on display? A shadow box sort of affair with several of your pieces would be an interesting object 'd art.

I have no artistic talent. It's also my personal goal to never have someone notice my firearm. I guess that's why I like them to be so boring. :) And hidden from view.
I guess that makes you more of a ninja that samurai.
I guess that makes you more of a ninja that samurai.
In the traditional definition and that stealth is fundamental, probably so. The truth vs. lore is that the shinobi a.k.a. ninja were considered dishonorable because of their 'irregular' methods. When I left the service of Her Majesty Hillary Clinton, I was considered by some to be mercenary. I prefer personal security advisor over hired gun, but some former colleagues chose to not see it that way.


PS: on at 5PM EST Saturdays on MeTV... :)
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Very creative.

What do you do with the guns you create? Put them on display? A shadow box sort of affair with several of your pieces would be an interesting object 'd art.

I have no artistic talent. It's also my personal goal to never have someone notice my firearm. I guess that's why I like them to be so boring. :) And hidden from view.
Think about the opportunity we have building; I grew up looking at all the custom engraved firearms and wish I could do that kind of custom work but having very little resources it has been a hit and mis over the years, but when these 80% builds came out it was like a light bulb doing off. Now with a limited amount of money I could put my own mark on custom builds. Just think about the build you do and how long that they will be passed on to family or sold to support family after you have gone to the next life. In life we all try to make a mark that those around us may or may not be influenced. For me at this point in my life I want to be that guy that does custom work, done with limited funds, by hand and pass them on. Think about one of your grandkids or great grandkids having something you built. Who really knows but, in the future, they may not even have the chance to build or even own a firearm. When I'm gone from this world, I can imagine at my local gun shop having a big sale of some of my builds, all one of kind hand-built beauties.

I think I am up to 18 Glock clone builds now. You may ask why so many Glocks? With limited amount of money, Glock clones are or were the cheapest builds, The way I looked at it if I messed up on a build, I was only out the cost of another frame, yes, I have messed up on three of the first builds. I still have a few P80s to build then I think I'll build some Sigs if possible.

Build them, shot them for a while, put them in the safe, start another build and repeat. My plan on leaving something behind when I pass on is working out pretty well so far.
Thanks guys for letting me show off my builds and if anyone want to try out any techniques I do just ask I would be happy to help.
Over the years I have learned a lot about what to do, and how to do it.
The only drawback to this sandblaster is it leaks but even the one I used at work that was a top-of-the-line blaster leaked too.
I happy with it for what I use it for.
I have the same blast cabinet. When I first assembled it I used polyurethane seal on anyplace that could leak. You shouldn't use a silicone based seal though, because it can come loose and get in your blasting media. The polyurethane seal grabs the painted metal like it's welded.

That stencil blast etching looks great. The reaper one is totally badass.
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