80% Shotgun Builds?

Hmmm... Not much of a demand for a 80% version of a shotgun.

What makes the rest of the 80% world practical is the rest of the parts you don't have to make, like barrels and fire-control parts being available. With a shotgun, the barrel(s) are the heart of the firearm. Only a few are readily available to work with.

For the purist, a receiver lump for a break-action double used to be something you could buy (been a while, but I think Track of the Wolf and Dixie used to sell them.) The Pedersoli kit that Alpa Chino referenced is a very refined kit. There used to be kits from Connecticut Valley Arms (CVA) that were cruder, but along the same lines. Yes, they are black powder. If you picked up a shot-shell in the mid 1800's it looks a lot like a modern shotshell...but it was loaded with black powder. The break-action shotgun if one of those few arms that pre-date modern propellants, being just a outgrowth of the muzzle loading percussion gun. Building one doesn't lend itself to being an 80%... it is all hand work.

Pump Guns... I don't see the value of making an 80%. You can get a used Mossberg 500 dirt cheap. Maybe a used Rem 870 or Ithaca 37 for a little more coin. I've found many a 12ga 500 for less than the cost of a Polymer80 kit. But this is the best place to cut your teeth on. I learned stock fitting and barrel alterations on Rem 870's and Mossberg 500's. Did a lot of Tru-Choke installs, long forcing cones, and restocks on these kind of guns.

Semi-autos... yeah, I can see that happening. AR uppers that feed shotshells, that's a thing already. Hey, if they could modify the Mauser 98 to take two 12ga shotshells, why not take any modern auto loading rifle and shotgunize it. Curious to see how that fellows

All made from kits. I made the Kentucky Rifle when I was 13 from a kit that I got at Monkey Wards.
In theory you could put this upper from Genesis Arms on an 80% AR10 lower (DPMS style) though they don't promise the mags will work.

Anyone know how likely it would be to work with any particular 80% AR15 receiver? I know it’s not gauranteed to work with anything but their receiver (which isn’t 80% I don’t believe) but is it at least likely, or even possible?

With that asked, anyone here have any experience with it and/or any knowledge of which brand/type of 80% AR receiver would likely work with the 2.75” and 3” 12 ga. Shotgun magazines? I’d actually like to build this.

I might even have to bite the bullet and go through the whole FFL transfer process for their finished lower (or the whole finished gun they offer), but I’d really like to build it 80% style if possible. Thanks.

Edit: what exactly would make the mags not work? And is it something that could be modified to work?
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This looked promising, but there has been no updates on their website since 2020.
Maybe the new administration will prompt them to move forward.

This looked promising, but there has been no updates on their website since 2020.
Maybe the new administration will prompt them to move forward.

Cool! Thx. I’ll check it out.
Many moons ago I followed Jerry Mikulek's lead and got a Saiga. We both unceremoniously abandoned it. I'll just say it: AK based shotguns are a piece of shit.

I have been a clays and wing shooter since I was a kid and I have never found any semiauto shotgun better than the Beretta/Benelli and the inertia system they developed. A close second place is the Browning A5. The Mossberg 940 is a reliable workhorse and gets an honorable mention.

I wish you luck with the project. It will be interesting to see how it goes. My confidence in an AR shotgun ever being reliable is no more positive than my sentiment about the AK.

I've shot the Mossberg 590M with the big ass magazine. It ran reliably but the balance of the gun with that monstrous mag hanging off of it was not a plus. As a tactical weapon, I would never choose it. Same goes for the Saiga.

If you are building this gun only because you want additional capacity, then take a look at the KSG. If it's a fun project just to see if you can get it to run reliably... have at it and post your results here. I'm skeptical anybody can make an AR or AK shotgun work properly. It took me a month and shit load of modifications and upgrades to get my Saiga running reliably. After investing all that time and effort, I couldn't think of even one advantage it gave me as a hunting, tactical, or competition shotgun. Lesson learned.
The Logic Industries receiver is nothing more than a housing for Mossberg 590 barrel, bolt, and mag tube. It does not use a DBM.
The lower takes AR trigger, pistol grip, and buffer tube.

So aside from being 80%, for me anyway, it has no reason for existing. A shotgun with standard stock and mag tube is more handy IMO.
Anyone know how likely it would be to work with any particular 80% AR15 receiver? I know it’s not gauranteed to work with anything but their receiver (which isn’t 80% I don’t believe) but is it at least likely, or even possible?
If you find an upper that pairs with an AR15 lower, then generally speaking the lower being an 80% or 100% shouldn't matter as once it is cut the 80% should have specs of the 100%. I've seen .410 ga uppers for AR15s but anything 12ga has been for an AR10. I haven't measured, but I am thinking an AR15 magwell couldn't handle a 12ga.
If you find an upper that pairs with an AR15 lower, then generally speaking the lower being an 80% or 100% shouldn't matter as once it is cut the 80% should have specs of the 100%. I've seen .410 ga uppers for AR15s but anything 12ga has been for an AR10. I haven't measured, but I am thinking an AR15 magwell couldn't handle a 12ga.
Yes you are right I looked again it’s an AR10. I was actually thinking “wouldn’t this maybe work better as an AR10 if it has loading issues with some receivers?” Turns out it was the entire time🤷‍♂️. I never claimed to be smart.

Thx again