A 50 Cal for Michele - Desert Eagle 50 AE

That eagle is kick n ass. 🫨 So is that custom work
I see a Desert Eagle in my future 🤣
I was watching a video about someone who got mauled by a bear in Alaska after it had been shot six times with large caliber rifles and someone in the comments mentioned this pistol as a big game backup sidearm. I had never heard of this pistol before.

It's definitely something that the poor victim who was beaten a few weeks ago at one of those California street racer's donut sessions could have used. Hitting one of his attackers with this firearm center mass or head shot would have effectively kept the rest of the mob off of him perhaps. Who would continue if their buddy took one of these rounds to the torso or head. I don't think there would be much left.

With respect to the bear and the person mauled, he apparently followed the wounded bear into the woods after he shot it on a beach. With so many rounds, he presumed the bear was mortally wounded. That was his mistake. The bear attacked him. The guy survived to tell his story.
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A fella next to us at the range, a few years ago, was shooting an A. Eagle. He let Patrick try it out. It certainly pops out freedom seeds big time. It’ll push ya back if not prepared. I’m surprised that guy used one hand … impressive shooting.

Glock 50 is a baby in comparison. Patrick will build it one-a these days.