A Little Harsh Truth -Honesty in Memes


Patriot Serving Patriots!
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Mar 2, 2022
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Truth. Ask your anti-2A friends how they feel about their 1A. Watch the disbelief in their eyes when you tell them the 2A protects their 1A Rights, listen to the disdain in their voices when they tell you that is 'unreasonable and far-fetched'. Ask your self if they are truly your friends, or anyone's friends. Ask ME how I know...
Ok I’ll bite on that
@GSW10 So…How do ya know?
:ROFLMAO::oops::LOL::confused: (Laughing and sad at the same time...)
Anyone who is willing to throw away their own Rights isn't even a friend to themselves. Anyone who can listen to you tell them about the importance of PROTECTING individual sovereign Freedoms, then decide that you are less important than their news-fed narrative is NOT your friend. I know that.
And yes, I have experienced this directly, and have been distanced from close friends who decided that they couldn't even LOOK at the evidence I showed them, "accidentally deleted that", like that was even an honest reply...

When avoiding the 'cognitive dissonance' coming from facing the facts is more important to them than their faith in you as a decent person, they are not your friends.:cautious:
I saw that, and I have a question.

Did the "Trump" phenomenon, shift, or disrupt, the process, Yuri was describing?
Don’t think Trump had / has any affect on the generations that have been re-programmed. What I think he did was bring Patriots and Americas Freedom loving people out into the open for all to see. There are a lot of Patriots still around.

I remember when Darwinism was being brought to the schools…plenty of Christian disapproval but was still pushed upon students never the less. That’s nothing compared to the trash being pushed upon students theses days.
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I remember when Darwinism was being brought to the schools…plenty of Christian disapproval but was still pushed upon students never the less.

Most objections to "Darwinism" are based on an abject ignorance of what Darwin's theories of evolution actually are... much like the general ignorance and misunderstanding of firearms.
Most objections to "Darwinism" are based on an abject ignorance of what Darwin's theories of evolution actually are... much like the general ignorance and misunderstanding of firearms.
Yeah ok….that’s what “they” taught ( blue pilled) in public school. Thats not part of catholic or other religious based school curriculum.

Ignorance of what evolution was / is not the objection. Darwinism is a direct attack on every religion that believes man was created by a God. Of course spiritual freedoms, whichever is the religion of choice, is all but disappeared from many societies today.

You have been feed the blue pill and don’t even know it. Older generations aren’t affected as much as as the younger. Look at where we are today. Government schools, No gender, No God, No family structure, No need to work government will take care. What the heck has our society evolved into 😳

As the video discusses its many years of brainwashing, molding society. That includes the misunderstanding of firearms. In reality it’s a fear of guns induced by public education. Young people that learn from parents/ family / friends pre-school that guns are ok don’t grow into adults fearing. Young people that are around hunters are familiar with guns or get a BB gun find it’s a fun family event to have shooting competition etc… are not normally deprogrammed to fear weapons. I bet those that are against guns never touched one or seen one up close & personal.
Yeah ok….that’s what “they” taught ( blue pilled) in public school. Thats not part of catholic or other religious based school curriculum.

Ignorance of what evolution was / is not the objection. Darwinism is a direct attack on every religion that believes man was created by a God. Of course spiritual freedoms, whichever is the religion of choice, is all but disappeared from many societies today.

You have been feed the blue pill and don’t even know it. Older generations aren’t affected as much as as the younger. Look at where we are today. Government schools, No gender, No God, No family structure, No need to work government will take care. What the heck has our society evolved into 😳

As the video discusses its many years of brainwashing, molding society. That includes the misunderstanding of firearms. In reality it’s a fear of guns induced by public education. Young people that learn from parents/ family / friends pre-school that guns are ok don’t grow into adults fearing. Young people that are around hunters are familiar with guns or get a BB gun find it’s a fun family event to have shooting competition etc… are not normally deprogrammed to fear weapons. I bet those that are against guns never touched one or seen one up close & personal.
(with some trepidation...)

I'll just say I'm very well-versed in this area, and I'm not aware of anything in the science of evolution that is contrary to a belief in a higher power. In fact, I'll suggest that understanding - through the eyes of science - the MIRACLE of life on this tiny speck of a planet in a presumably infinite universe leads to an almost necessary belief in a higher power.

Speaking personally... I have ZERO religious upbringing and education. I'm a science nerd, and my entire education (and degrees) are based in science. The more I understand (through scientific study) about living organisms, the more I have to think there is no way it happened by "chance," and that a higher power is the only plausible explanation.

I remember learning the micro-anatomy and function of just the KIDNEY organ. It struck me as an amazing work of engineering! No way that happened by chance. Then there's the heart and circulatory system. Wow! The brain?!?? Fuggedaboutit! 🤯

Hell... I'd say my 2-1/2 days spent in Yosemite (after I processed out of the Navy) was a truly "religious" experience. I thought, "Only God could have made this."

I think Darwin's work is quite compatible with the belief in a higher power... in fact it makes perfect sense... to me. But, I actually studied Darwin's work.

And, that's where I'll step off this ride. :)

PS... Out of grades 1 - 12, only the last two of mine were public education, FWIW. But that was a LONG time ago! LOL!
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I think Darwin's work is quite compatible with the belief in a higher power... in fact it makes perfect sense... to me. But, I actually studied Darwin's work.
I'm a cradle Catholic as well as a product of public education and I feel similarly - one can believe that a higher power had (took?) a hand in making things and also believe that life evolves.
...I'll just say I'm very well-versed in this area, and I'm not aware of anything in the science of evolution that is contrary to a belief in a higher power. In fact, I'll suggest that understanding - through the eyes of science - the MIRACLE of life on this tiny speck of a planet in a presumably infinite universe leads to an almost necessary belief in a higher power.
I too agree with this statement. Science, understood and projected properly, does NOT undermine a belief in God at all, no matter which form that belief takes for the individual or group. It frequently supports the existence of a Divine Creator, and other times is simply neutral on the subject.
I think what @Michele is getting at though (and I will stand corrected if I am wrong -a distinct possibility;)) is the watered-down Kool-Aid bastardized versions of 'evolution' often taught in public schools that emphatically states human used to be apes that 'evolved' on their own through 'natural selection'. I used to believe the simplified-to-the-point-of-lying teachings here were presented out of ignorance, now I must wonder how many educators are simply on the program of deliberate misinformation and cultural manipulation?

Okay, this is a grand discussion, but much off the topic I was intending. I too will [try] to step off the merry-go-round here, offering only that I have tremendous Respect for anyone who has thought about this enough to form their own opinion. This Search, to me, is one of the central things at the core of our purpose for existing. [Shrug]