Arlington Bridge

Looks like that "retaining wall" was more decorative than functional. Yikes.
I never thought it was fragile. That railing is pretty stout and the sidewalks are wide. But the evidence speaks for it self. I wonder how fast the car was going. Must have been flying to jump over the curb and bust thru that barrier. That's a Hell of a fall too. I'd hazard a guess somewhere between 30-40 feet.

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How did MORE than one car go over? How many cars?
Please let it be Bill and Hillary.
I've driven across that bridge. Surprising that anybody could get up enough speed to bust through the rail. I don't think we got above 10MPH due to traffic.

The bridge that scared the crap out of me was the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis. Tissue paper for guard rails, 200+ feet above the water, psycho drivers, high speed limits, low traction steel grates at the highest part.
I've driven across that bridge. Surprising that anybody could get up enough speed to bust through the rail. I don't think we got above 10MPH due to traffic.

The bridge that scared the crap out of me was the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis. Tissue paper for guard rails, 200+ feet above the water, psycho drivers, high speed limits, low traction steel grates at the highest part.
I rode that bridge on a motorcycle a couple of times. Not fun. Heading donny ohshin to a rented condo in Ocean Shitty.

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is pretty wacky too. 18 miles of bridges and tunnels. Low guard rails.

The Mackinak Bridge used to offer a service to drive nervous motorists across. I don't know if they still do this. I drove over it once with a girl I dated in college. Her fam had a vacation home in the upper peninsula. Nice in summer. Not so much in winter. She dumped me for an accountant who went to work at Ford. He never fact checked her liberal Neo-hippie beliefs. Just like Dad. He wore black socks and loafers with shorts. I could never live up to that standard. I didn't wear socks and preferred going commando.

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The bridge that scared the crap out of me was the Chesapeake Bay Bridge near Annapolis. Tissue paper for guard rails, 200+ feet above the water, psycho drivers, high speed limits, low traction steel grates at the highest part.
This one for me. I'm not a nervous driver at all. But going over this... admittedly freaked me out a bit.


Delaware Memorial Bridge

I worked on a project in the power plant on the Delaware side for quite a while. Also in the nearby DuPont plant. Some guy jumped off the bridge during that time. Jersey jumpers don't have to pay the toll to kill themself. Toll booths are only on the Delaware side. So they save a few bucks.
I traveled across the (old) Jamestown Bridge about 2-3 times a week back in my early college days. Pic LINK. A motorcycle was my primary means of transpo at the time. About the entire length of the cantilever (1/4mi?) had a steel grate for road surface and it was only 2-lanes. The grates would just sling the bike side-to-side and cars suddenly stopping in the lane of traffic was common. :eek: But I survived and watched the new JTV bridge being built and it was like heaven when it finally opened. :)

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Used to have to drive over every one of those bridges at least a couple of times a year when I resided and worked in the DPRofMD, more in some years. Lots of potential trouble just driving a cager across them and on the MC. . . NOPE! Hated every one of those bridges, but it was necessary when I had to travel by road out of state!