Don't Carry a Trauma Kit! Whaaaaaaa??

There's going to be so many ways to peel that onion. A good self defense attorney would argue the use of a TK as that you never intended to kill - not only did you have it but you used it. At the end of the day, it is going to boil down to where the incident occurs. A prosecutor in a red area vs a blue area (if not state) likely is the most important factor.

To your point about using it for a loved one, it'd be great to have data available on how often TKs help for both self defense scenarios as well as non SD such as a car accident. I have a tourniquet in my car as a general 1st aid tool. I never carry it with me. When you start to think of what all you might need, you are
walking around with a back pack. Probably doesn't work well in most cases though it'd be great if it did as I'd just slip my level IIIA panel in it for some simple protection.
If we never had attorneys, we would never Need a attorney.

I agree with with them. On your person-bad idea.
I keep a IFAK under the backseat of my truck. General band aids, Neosporin, non-stick gauze, 3 tourq's, 2 chest seals, roll of electrical tape, roll white med tape, 2 non-scented/non-medicated tampons, roll of "self stick" ace bandage, and a printed ID card with all my basic info (full name, allergies, religion, and emergency contacts) laminated.
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I keep a IFAK under the backseat of my truck. General band aids, Neosporin, non-stick gauze, 3 tourq's, 2 chest seals, roll of electrical tape, roll white med tape, 2 non-scented/non-medicated tampons, roll of "self stick" ace bandage, and a printed ID card with all my basic info (full name, allergies, religion, and emergency contacts) laminated.

That's not what they're talking about, though. They're talking about (not) CARRYING a trauma kit.
Well, I'll keep my first aid gear. I have to be alive to be prosecuted.

On a similar vein, here's a little ditty that just came out today, after a few minutes of Brandon talking, the meat and potatoes starts as they try to teach combat first aid to a bunch of new recruits.... TQ's, Chest seals, packing wounds, etc.

Brandon Mitchell
I have one of these in every vehicle and a slightly larger kit in the home. Not cheap but it's better to be broke than dead.

Having a CAT on hand saved me a lot of leakage in my previous life. I can testify applying the tourniquet hurts almost as much as the wound!

If anybody is wondering... the heart pumps 6 quarts of blood in a minute. You likely lose consciousness after being three quarts down.

Sever a major artery, you are fucked. A partial cut on a major artery or lesser arteries... you can bleed out pretty quick. Hard to predict how long. This is why if you are around guns you should always have a tourniquet handy. Stop the bleeding and you live to fight another day. You may be the safest and most skilled person... the nimrod in the lane next to you probably isn't. Ask Dick Cheney's hunting buddy . :)