Breaking! Last Minute Biden Pardons

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Feb 27, 2022
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Fauci and Milley, and the Jan. 6th Committee members.

Nobody can pardon someone for a future crime. No charges have been brought. This is a big nothingburger. In fact I think it's a stupid move. It implies guilt. It could be that this is Biden's fuck you to the Democratic establishment instead of charity toward his friends. He's basically saying they are guilty of something.
This is bullshit, and there is no such thing as a preemptive pardon. This traitorous act by the deep state should easily be set aside.
I haven't verified it, but I'm being told that there are examples of previous pre-emptive pardons by other POTUS(s). Assuming that is true, I'm wondering if this will end up being considered by SCOTUS? Here's the language in the Constitution:

Article 2, Section 2​

  1. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

Nobody can pardon someone for a future crime. No charges have been brought. This is a big nothingburger. In fact I think it's a stupid move. It implies guilt. It could be that this is Biden's fuck you to the Democratic establishment instead of charity toward his friends. He's basically saying they are guilty of something.
I'm not so sure about that, but IMHO, the Founders did not intend for "pre-emptive" pardons! :mad:
In fact I think it's a stupid move. It implies guilt.

It could be that this is Biden's fuck you to the Democratic establishment instead of charity toward his friends. He's basically saying they are guilty of something.
Hmmmm.... I hadn't thought of it that way.

Mike Myers Evil Laugh GIF

I'm wondering if this will end up being considered by SCOTUS?
Thought the same thing.
Offenses is a broad term. Doesn't seem like he could give a pardon for a crime where someone hasn't been charged. Not just Biden but all presidents need to be put in check.

The powers have become too broad and beyond the spirit of the constitution. Most of the executive orders need to be struck down and many have. The president should not make laws as that power is with congress. Executive order is another word for a unilateral law and when they use to change rules, make new laws, it is problematic. Take Biden and all his executive actions with federal agencies that were overturned. Trump and his bump stock ban, shall we not forget, that was overturned.
I'd charge them anyway. If the pardon stands, I believe it only gives relief from the penalty, not immunity from being charged. Find them guilty. If they walk, so what. Their career is over but more importantly they are disgraced in the historical record. Forever. I think it is also possible to put a brick on the profits of any books they may write. Imagine the civil suits if Fauci were found guilty. Maybe even class action. Who cares if the sentence is commuted. Bankrupt him. Cheney too.

People in this league.... It's so much better to destroy them financially than it is to lock them up. Like they did to Giuliani. Leave them penniless.
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Most of the executive orders need to be struck down and many have. The president should not make laws as that power is with congress. Executive order is another word for a unilateral law
Actually it's not. Executive orders are nothing more than an order to enforce a law that has already been passed by congress or existing powers created by the Constitution for the Executive Branch.

Doesn't seem like he could give a pardon for a crime where someone hasn't been charged.
Ford pardoned Nixon and I don't believe he had been charged. Elections have consequences and we are seeing one of them right now. While I am not thrilled to see some of the people being pardoned, I want to be supportive of the right of the POTUS to issue a pardon. With that said, Fauci et. al. may not be off the hook - if crimes were committed then potentially states could file charges if state laws were broken. It also won't save him from prosecution on civil charges should any be warranted. It could also be interesting to see Congress hold his feet to the fire now and demand answers - after all he can't plead the 5th if he's been pardoned.
The other good news is the General, Fauchi and Cheney's defense will not be funded by taxpayers.

Brian makes an interesting point. State AGs looking to make name for themselves and run for Governor one day go after Fauchi. Death by 1000 cuts. Or 50. Let's add Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Guam and make it 53.

With some luck, Greenland and Alberta. :)
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They can all be brought in front of Congress now and compelled to testify.
THEN, they could be brought up on State charges elsewhere, with their already compelled testimony?

Remember, with the pardon they cannot claim the fifth in federal court.

Say maybe a class action wrongful death suit against Fauchi for the plandemic murders?

LOL, I see I was a little late to that idea :ROFLMAO:
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However, the details of the presidential pardon have been fleshed out through the courts and the legacy of former chief executives. Since the Constitution refers to "offences against the United States," the President's power to pardon is limited to federal offenses only. State governors have similar authority to grant clemency (the broader term for an executive's power to lessen a punishment) to those convicted of state crimes.
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Actually it's not. Executive orders are nothing more than an order to enforce a law that has already been passed by congress or existing powers created by the Constitution for the Executive Branch.

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Nice Googling. What you are posting is true but is not what is occurring and not my comment. What I'm referring to is shady attempts to make NEW laws or rule changes by EO through governmental agencies and that is not legal. Unfortunately, presidents do it and order agencies to make changes, and the court systems have to overturn. Look at all the EO's the presidents have done just in the last decade that were overturned in court. I posted two examples that readily come to mind so, no, they do not have the power to make new laws. That is reserved for congress. Obama had 13 times that his actions were ruled to be unconstitutional. Biden's admin had a bunch overturned and more that he passed in his final days of office that will also be overturned.

The point is the EO's have gone off the rail and need to be put in check. Many of these executive orders have cost us all personally and some more than others. Presidents are not responsible for paying legal costs and damages for their EO's as they are shielded. We need to bring back balance to our systems and put bad EO's in check much more quickly.
What I'm referring to is shady attempts to make NEW laws or rule changes by EO through governmental agencies and that is not legal. Unfortunately, presidents do it and order agencies to make changes, and the court systems have to overturn.
You mean like the new Aye-Tee-EFF rules that banned bump stocks, braces, and unfinished frames?

So, yeah.... it has been abused for sure. That's NOT the way it's supposed to work.
In regards to Fauchi and that lot- they could be brought up on charges in world court for perpetuating the lie that effected the globe.
If someone in power in a foreign goverment was so inclined to support Trump.
Maybe Israel or Mexico