Man shot with his own gun during traffic stop with Jacksonville officer


Big Kahuna Admin
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Feb 26, 2022
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Our worst nightmare, eh? I've heard of other cases where the officer flags the citizen in the process of disarming. I've also heard of other unsafe behavior and officers having trouble unloading the gun.

I'm sure most of us would MUCH prefer to leave the gun IN the holster with our hands up and visibly AWAY from our waistband. For EVERYONE'S safety, eh?

There is NO excuse for this:

OK... I have some problems with the story. The gun did not fire because she "tugged on it even harder." No matter how tight a holster is, a gun will not fire by DRAWING it.

It fired because she pulled the fucking trigger. PERIOD.

It fired because she (the officer) was INCOMPETENT and NEGLIGENT. PERIOD.

I hope he is successful in his lawsuit. I'm sure he will be. There's no argument justifying the officer's actions.
The report states that the victim (and he is one) told the officer he was armed. What's not clear is whether he volunteered that information or whether the officer asked if he was armed.

Florida (the location of this incident) is NOT a "duty to inform" state. However, if the officer ASKS, then you must answer the question truthfully.

I would NEVER volunteer my armed status... for this reason and others. I've also heard stories where the citizen got hauled out of the car, pronated on the hot pavement, and disarmed at gunpoint, simply as the result of volunteering that information. NO THANKS.
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Good grief. That cop needs to get fired.

Some comments:

1. I remove the pistol from my holster when I am driving and put it in the console, I and right handed and can access it just as fast as if it were holstered. It's hard to draw when you are seated in a vehicle. Unless you have a cross draw holster.
2. My state/county requires you notify the officer. I haven't had to do this but you do not say "I have a gun" to a cop. Ever. You say, I have a current license to carry a concealed firearm in the state of (your state). For your safety and mine do you have any instructions for me?
3. When working and I was seated but not driving, I used a cross draw holster or a Jackass shoulder rig if I was wearing a jacket.
4. Most of the deputies in my nick of the woods know me and what I drive. I see some of them at a local range now and then. They don't want to get into a gunfight with me. :)
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Good grief. That cop needs to get fired.

Some comments:

1. I remove the pistol from my holster when I am driving and put it in the console, I and right handed and can access it just as fast as if it were holstered. It's hard to draw when you are seated in a vehicle. Unless you have a cross draw holster.
2. My state/county requires you notify the officer. I haven't had to do this but you do not say "I have a gun" to a cop. Ever. You say, I have a current license to carry a concealed firearm in the state of (your state). For your safety and mine do you have any instructions for me?
3. When working and I was seated but not driving, I used a cross draw holster or a Jackass shoulder rig if I was wearing a jacket.
4. Most of the deputies in my nick of the woods know me and what I drive. I see some of them at a local range now and then. They don't want to get into a gunfight with me. :)

It bears mentioning: Know the laws of your state (and any through which you may be traveling armed).
Good grief. That cop needs to get fired.

4. Most of the deputies in my nick of the woods know me and what I drive. I see some of them at a local range now and then. They don't want to get into a gunfight with me. :)
I tend to think this way as well in general, as I’ve experienced the training my local LE Agency receives. It’s mediocre/minimal at best. The only officers in my parish(county everywhere else), that are worth their salt imo are the vets that did something while enlisted). The “civilian born” cops around me are a joke to say the least.
This is why I love Georgia- 70mph head on collision- me placed on ground cuz I was wondering around. I had presence of mind to find my pistol and put truck in park.
Police show up- EMTs putting me in a dog collar & being strapped down- I announced I secured my weapon" police ask OK are planning on shooting anyone?? Me - no. Call this # to come get my weapon.
Police- ok- stop moving and leave it where its at.
Buddy shows up gets firearm- end of story.

Details are little sketchy, most of that came from guy 2 cars back that put me on the ground then waited for everyone to show. Lol

It could of went ALOT differently
This is why I love Georgia- 70mph head on collision- me placed on ground cuz I was wondering around. I had presence of mind to find my pistol and put truck in park.
Police show up- EMTs putting me in a dog collar & being strapped down- I announced I secured my weapon" police ask OK are planning on shooting anyone?? Me - no. Call this # to come get my weapon.
Police- ok- stop moving and leave it where its at.
Buddy shows up gets firearm- end of story.

Details are little sketchy, most of that came from guy 2 cars back that put me on the ground then waited for everyone to show. Lol

It could of went ALOT differently
Another reason I put my gun in the console while driving. You never know what's going to happen. I had a drunk driver run a red light and t-bone me. Totaled my new car, put me in the hospital.
Another reason I put my gun in the console while driving. You never know what's going to happen. I had a drunk driver run a red light and t-bone me. Totaled my new car, put me in the hospital.
Nothing was where it was. F350 literally 20" shorter, engine where glovebox was. Drivers side frame rail pushed 6" through the diamond plate Knaphead rear bumper.
?? Windshield intact- all the rest were gone. Lol go figure.
I've been in three wrecks. One a crazy DUI smashed into me and the other was my fault. Both got me a ride to the ER with the lights and sirens. A third was on a motorcycle. Bruised up and a broken arm. No permanent injuries. By the grace of God - or was it Beelzebub?

The second car wreck I climbed out of the vehicle to check on the people in the other car, at first not realizing my right ear was hanging off and I was bleeding like stuck pig.

That's why they call me Lucky. The Grim Reaper keeps showing up but leaves empty handed.
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Key points to the video:
"'she' probably removed the gun from the IWB holster instead of removing the entire holster with the gun still in it..."
"the person that IS a threat is the person that DOESN'T disclose they have a firearm on them, if asked"
"keep your mouth SHUT!"
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Key points to the video:
"'she' probably removed the gun from the IWB holster instead of removing the entire holster with the gun still in it..."
"the person that IS a threat is the person that DOESN'T disclose they have a firearm on them, if asked"
"keep your mouth SHUT!"

THIS is the reason my policy is that I don't volunteer my carry status during LE encounters. Fortunately, in my state it is not required that I do so.

The safest gun on the planet is one that is in a holster... and STAYS in the holster. I don't want an LEO, who likely knows FAR less about firearms than I do, finger-fucking my loaded firearm.
OK... I have some problems with the story. The gun did not fire because she "tugged on it even harder." No matter how tight a holster is, a gun will not fire by DRAWING it.

It fired because she pulled the fucking trigger. PERIOD.
I don't know man. Could have been a Sig 320.
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Here's the Youtube copy of the video, which is easier to pause, back up, etc. I've cued it up where she starts to remove the gun. Notice how she fiddles with the holster clip, seemingly not able to understand how it works.


And here's why it fired. What a fucking moron. She should go to jail. I hope the victim cashes in BIG TIME. Slam-dunk case.


In Florida:

Police academy training: 770 hours.
Cosmetology (hair dressers) school: 1200 hours.
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Here's the Youtube copy of the video, which is easier to pause, back up, etc. I've cued it up where she starts to remove the gun. Notice how she fiddles with the holster clip, seemingly not able to understand how it works.


And here's why it fired. What a fucking moron. She should go to jail. I hope the victim cashes in BIG TIME. Slam-dunk case.

View attachment 28299

In Florida:

Police academy training: 770 hours.
Cosmetology (hair dressers) school: 1200 hours.

Saw that she was tugging on the holster's belt/pants clip wither her right hand and on the pistol with her left and that caused me to start yelling at my screen, "Oh please STOP!" Totally predictable NEGLIGENT DISCHARGE and despite what the LEO briefing reporters the evening of the shooting, where he tried to claim it was not what we all know that it was, an "OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING!" :mad:
Did anyone else notice that after they understandably told Officer Clueless to put the gun down (on the ground), that nobody else secured the weapon? They just left it there. Out of their sight. Meanwhile people are driving by... and a dude on a bike went by. He could have stopped and picked up a free gun, and nobody would have noticed. "Where did the gun go??"