SCT17 "Ray Gun" Build Diary


Big Kahuna Admin
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Feb 26, 2022
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I'm just going to "reserve" a thread for this now. :)

I've got two SCT17 frames on the way, so I can choose between the two for the funky AlphaWolf slide I got on sale recently. Since the frames are serialized and "ready to go," AND I've got most of the parts I need already, this build is going to jump to the front of the line.

The slide kind of reminds me of the cartoon "ray guns."


I already had a silver Zaffiri G34 barrel that wasn't being used. I got it when I was doing my first build by accident. It was supposed to be gold. So I reordered a gold one and kept the silver for a future build.

I also already had a Centenial Defense Systems stainless G17 RSA. Looks pretty sweet. I just ordered a stainless (silver) billet extractor from Zaffiri for the slide. I think a stainless extractor will look good, too. I'll post updated photos when it arrives.

I already have all the other parts needed for the slide, including this cool backplate from Milspin:




I got a silver and an orange frame coming by Friday or Saturday. They were $58 each, so why not?!?? I hope these frames are of decent quality and actually work. These are stock photos from the SCT website. I'll get some good photos with the slide on, of course, when the frames arrive (through an FFL).

I'm not sure which I like better. I think I'll have to see which one floats my boat with the slide on it. Or take a vote here!

I haven't decided which color parts to use on the lower, since I'm undecided on which lower to use. I'm leaning towards matching silver / stainless.

Stay tuned! This is going to be a fun build! :cool:
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OK! Here we go! I got the two SCT17 frames. The theme I'm going for is "Ray Gun." Like a cartoonish ray gun. I'm not necessarily trying to make it a "pretty" or "good looking" gun in the traditional sense. I'm not trying to make a gun that makes people say, "Ooh... I like that." I'm going for more of a head-turning, "What the fuck IS THAT?!??"

Silver vs Orange???​

The silver frame looks more gray in photos. It's not like a really shiny silver. And the orange is not a really bright orange, but more of a "burnt orange."

With the AlphaWolf slide:





I'm leaning towards orange as the "head-turner." The silver looks nice, but not so much of a head-turner.

What say ye???
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For the ray-gun look:

Orange is going to do it. No, it's not as pretty as the silver look, but for what you want, I'd go with orange. And of course, you have both so you can switch back and forth.
I'm liking the orange. The silver looks too gray when you mount the silver slide to it.
I was going to order them in Silver for mine too but, after seeing them next to each other, I think I'm going to go in a different direction.
Oranges are interpreted as symbols of death in Sicilian culture.

Coppola and author Mario Puzo made no such claim but oranges appear in something like 7 Godfather scenes where somebody gets whacked. Coincidence? âť“

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Yeah... the more I play with it, the more I like the orange frame for the effect I'm seeking.

Ray Gun Mockup (1).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (2).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (3).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (4).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (5).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (6).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (7).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (8).jpg
Ray Gun Mockup (9).jpg
I just tried in some silver dimpled pins from Rook Tactical that I had on hand.

I think it will look good with silver hardware all around.... ordered.

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Think you are on the right track. That slide cover plate looks amazing!
Thanks! I bought that slide plate from Milspin a while back, just because I thought it was cool (and on sale). I figured I'd find a use for it in the future. And here we are! In the future! ;)
Dude, the silver frame looks better. Save the orange frame to put with a pink slide on it for your coming out party.

Just kidding about coming out, but the silver frame is boss with that slide.

BTW, the SCT frames look great -very close to the Strike frames.
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Dude, the silver frame looks better. Save the orange frame to put with a pink slide on it for your coming out party.

Just kidding about coming out, but the silver frame is boss with that slide.

BTW, the SCT frames look great -very close to the Strike frames.

My gun's pronouns are "bang!" and "boom!" ;)

My goal with this build isn't something that looks "boss" or "good" in the traditional sense. As I said before, I'm going for "WTF is that?" 🤪 Like a cartoon ray gun. As much as I can with commercially available parts.
It started with the slide, which is quite unusual, and reminded me of a ray gun. So I'm building around the slide. I needed an "unusual" frame. But I got the silver frame just in case... and since they were only $58, why not get both.

I wanted an extended barrel to help with the "ray gun" theme. I already happened to have a silver G34 barrel, so that worked out. An orange barrel, as suggested by @Bongo Lewi would be really cool... if there was such a thing. I'd be all over that. But WAIT! What about this? It's called a "spectrum" finish.


What do you guys think about that?
You know, I did think of going with spectrum and I'm typically not a fan of the finish but it may look pretty awesome with a fully polished slide or as is.
I can't learn to love chameleon. I don't know why.


Leave the barrel as-is and Cerakote the upper front half, curved part of the slide orange. Same color as the frame.

Putting some matching orange on the upper will make it look uniform. Like the gun was designed that way.

Then... Put a Snake Eye rear sight on. Totally Jetsons. Try to find a really tall light pipe front sight. Or a post with bead like on an old rifle or shotgun
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