The FNH PS90 Diary.

I put packets of silica gel in my Pelican cases. They are about the size of a deck of cards. I do store some guns in Pelican cases. Occasionally the Tupperware they came with. Pelican is watertight/airtight. My safe is a climate controlled gun room. I do have a safe inside it, but technically the whole room is a safe. Concrete block (not cinderblock) all four sides, reinforced industrial steel door, and the ceiling is five inches of concrete. I put fiberglass rebar inside the block every two feet and filled that cavity with concrete. I intended it to double as a "safe room". Not a bomb shelter, which I consider a fools paradise.
Many years ago, I got a dozen PS90 mags (during Obama years, as I recall, when they were chirping about mag bans). They went on sale at CDNN (I think) for $30 - 35 each! Back in 2011 - 2012! I bought a few here and there, eventually at 12 mags. Those mags have been sitting in my closet for all these years.
Now there's a man who plans ahead!

Buying mags for a gun you don't have (yet) is something I would do. :) I also bought 50 BMG ammo before I had a gun to put it in. I knew it was only a matter of time!
Now there's a man who plans ahead!

Buying mags for a gun you don't have (yet) is something I would do. :) I also bought 50 BMG ammo before I had a gun to put it in. I knew it was only a matter of time!

Last night I converted my two 30-rd PS90 mags to 50-rounders. Very very easy. The 30-rd mags have the same springs as the 50-rd mags, but they have a 20-rd block integrated into mag floor plate.


I found these printed floor plates on Amazon.

All you have to do is remove the 30-round floor-plate-block and replace it with the 50-rd floor plate. Takes about 30 seconds! Very cool.


So now I have twelve 50-rd mags! I'm ready! For something! LOL! ;)
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The space (with foam piece removed) for the optic in the Peak case is big and leaves a large open space above my low-mounted T2 optic.

I got a foam cutting knife (Amazon).

So, I cut out a small notch in the bottom of that piece and then glued it in place with some "Shoe Goo."


Better! :cool:
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I ordered two pic rails for the DM mount. Got them a couple days ago. Mounted a few minutes ago. One on each side. I don't know that I'll ever use them for anything... maybe a light, if I decide to designate the PS90 as a home defense weapon. But in any case... they just "look right" on the rifle! Love my Fix-It Sticks tools!
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Took my daughter to the range to shoot the PS90 (her first time on this gun).

After loosening and then re-tightening the optic mount to add the pic rails, the zero was off a bit.

Daughter and I took turns on the same targets. So the impacts are a mix of the two of us shooting.

Walked the zero up at 50 yards (started low). It could use another few clicks UP, still.


Then at 100 yards. The wind was blowing hard and moving our bodies at the bench. So holding a steady sight picture was a challenge at times. But still easily "minute of man" at 100 yards. This is an 18" circle target.

Roughly an 8-9 inch spread at 100 yards? With a carbine in this class, I'd call that success. For a while, I had a soccer ball on a 4x4 post at approximately 100 yards. I amused myself with practicing to put every round in the ball - with different guns. The diameter is about 9 inches. Purely from a defensive shooting perspective, that's plenty good enuff at that distance.

I added a scarecrow-like lower to this and drew a face on the ball but my wife kind of insisted I take that down. She was concerned someone might see it from a distance, get the wrong idea and report it. I t did look kind of real. 😲 I had an idea for putting it on a cable with pulleys so it would move but that plan never got off the ground.
Roughly an 8-9 inch spread at 100 yards? With a carbine in this class, I'd call that success.

I happened to save that target and put a ruler on it a few minutes ago. About 6 X 7 inch spread if we don't count the low-left flyer. :) Not bad! And that was the two of us shooting. I don't know which of us fired the flyer! ;)

And that was the two of us shooting. I don't know which of us fired the flyer! ;)
Going off the targets you have shared that you and kid have shot and the stories you have shared about your local range rats I'm gonna say that was a stray shot from a few lanes over.
Going off the targets you have shared that you and kid have shot and the stories you have shared about your local range rats I'm gonna say that was a stray shot from a few lanes over.
Well, they'd have to be shooting an equally small caliber. Those 5.7 holes are pretty tiny! Hard to see from 100 yards, even with binoculars (until you get a bunch of holes).
I happened to save that target and put a ruler on it a few minutes ago. About 6 X 7 inch spread if we don't count the low-left flyer. :) Not bad! And that was the two of us shooting. I don't know which of us fired the flyer! ;)

View attachment 28244
Having witnessed how well your daughter shoots, I think we know the flyer wasn't hers! 🤪
Having witnessed how well your daughter shoots, I think we know the flyer wasn't hers! 🤪
The know-it-all RSO there, who didn't know my daughter (like the other RSOs do) was talking to me and her like she was a novice. I explained that she is a seasoned shooter who has been coming there for years. And then to shut him up, I showed him her 100-yard qualification target photo on my phone. The minimum to qualify is 5 shots in a 3-inch group before they'll let you go shoot on the ranges with the electronic targets.

Five-shot group:


His jaw dropped, he waved his hand, and walked away. Yeah.... go help one of the dozen other shooters on the line that actually NEED your help. ;)
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The know-it-all RSO there, who didn't know my daughter (like the other RSOs do) was talking to me and her like she was a novice. I explained that she is a seasoned shooter who has been coming there for years. And then to shut him up, I showed him her 100-yard qualification target photo on my phone. The minimum to qualify is 5 shots in a 3-inch group before they'll let you go shoot on the ranges with the electronic targets.

Five-shot group:

View attachment 28263

His jaw dropped, he waved his hand, and walked away. Yeah.... go help one of the dozen other shooters on the line that actually NEED your help. ;)
That know-it-all RSO is R-E-A-L-L-Y an annoying prick most of the time, but I know he's used to seeing so many people at that range whom don't have a eff'n clue what they're doing. The range baffles and firing line ceiling proves it! Nice job putting him in his place, though!
The RA at one of my former ranges (in GA) was total dick. I wiped the floor with him in a match. He subsequently called me "hotshot". So in turn I would greet him with a new name every time I saw him. Deputy Fife was one I re-used all the time. As was Private Pyle and Officer Crabcake. He was always decked out in NRA logo regalia: Hat, soft armor, arm patches, belt buckle, Merrill tactical combat boots. One time I said... The range is empty. How about you and I have a re-match? I'll wear a blindfold. Winner buys lunch?

It really frosted him if he saw me helping someone.
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