"I am not one of those guys that relentlessly argues that no striker gun can match the 1911 trigger. What-ever. I say shoot the gun you have and STFU. If you can't shoot well, it ain't the trigger that's the problem."
For many shooters, it's not about being able to shoot the gun well or not, it's preference. I let my Glock GSSF discount coupon expire because I have all the "Glock" (SF) I can stand as it is with our clones.
Granted, the one pulling the trigger is the determining factor, aside from some absolutely hideous case of a bad trigger that might be a problem. That being said, I am (no surprise here) one of those who unashamedly finds that a striker-fired handgun of any kind will never have the quality of trigger that a 1911 can offer (there are certainly lesser or greater glaring differences thereof in the 1911 family). Consistent reports are that the Walther PDP has the best striker-fired trigger on the mkt today....but I do say that with ZERO personal experience...yet.
I shoot my 26 clone very, very well. It's scarily accurate. Yet my humble RIA Officers ECS .45 has an out-of-the-box trigger to aspire to in comparison...and that's with zero modifications or 'smithing of any kind. I'm not saying it's perfect or beyond improvement, but it's doggone GOOD.
Having said that- in agreement with one of your comments, I see no excuse why somebody can't shoot a striker-fired gun well. (again, unless it has a positively hideous trigger) And many do, and compete with them.
For that matter, many folks shoot their DA/SA revolvers more accurately SA due to the particular DA pull on a given sidearm. Some of that may be legitimate, some is likely personal mastery. That being said, my wife once had a Taurus 85 (DAO) w/bobbed hammer, and that was a 'personal space/short distance' kind of application anyways....its trigger wasn't too great. But it worked.
Back to striker vs hammer fired- there are physics and mechanical differences that make them what they are, and what they aren't. In BOTH cases, it's up to the user to do their part. For me- I just prefer a hammer-fired system. Even the FN Reflex shines because of their internal hammer. I'm looking at a Beretta PX4 that may, MAY replace my Echelon. We'll see. It's not eating any groceries....and it's one of the finest SF pistols made today, and I do have tentative plans for it. TWT.