VA has disarmed thousands of veterans through the NICS system


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Feb 28, 2022
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National Association for Gun Rights (@NatlGunRights) posted at 11:04 AM on Thu, Jan 16, 2025:
Did you know that the VA has disarmed thousands of veterans through the NICS system?

The VA struck an agreement in 1998 with the FBI to begin forwarding names of VA beneficiaries who they accuse of being mentally incompetent.
To date over 250,000 veterans have lost their 2A right to purchase and presumably possess a firearm without due process through a court of law.

Virtually none of the impacted veterans have actually been adjudicated “mentally defective” by a court of law. The procedure at the VA to refer a veterans name to the FBI comes down to the decision of a single bureaucrat. That decision effectively strips veterans of their right to bear arms. In 2025 we are seeking to end this program once and for all:
1. Stop the influx of new names to the VA gun ban list.
2. Remove the existing names of individuals stripped of their 2A rights without due process.
3. Rip out the language that allows this process to happen at all.


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In case it wasn't clear, the "VA" in the thread title is The Department of Veterans Affairs and not the state of Virginia!
Shit like this, is why I haven't trusted the US Government since well before I was discharged. I do not regret my time in the Navy by any means. I learned alot and did even more, but I would never do it again. I would surely fight for my nation if necessary, however it damn sure would not be in a government capacity.
I don’t believe a court can determine the mental health of any person. There are veterans with serious problems that may seem ok until they snap.

One example-
While helping a vet, Chris Kyle was fatally shot along with a friend by Eddie Routh

Suicide takes many lives
Shit like this, is why I haven't trusted the US Government since well before I was discharged. I do not regret my time in the Navy by any means. I learned alot and did even more, but I would never do it again. I would surely fight for my nation if necessary, however it damn sure would not be in a government capacity.
The VA is probably THE best example of socialism/socialized medicine in this country!
I don’t believe a court can determine the mental health of any person. There are veterans with serious problems that may seem ok until they snap.

One example-
While helping a vet, Chris Kyle was fatally shot along with a friend by Eddie Routh

Suicide takes many lives
Agreed, but in my humble opinion, before one's civil rights are taken away, they should be adjudicated with "due process" by that judge/court relying on qualified medical opinions as "sufficient evidence" of the subject's risk of doing harm to themselves or others.
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This is why I never say anything about being "sad" or "depressed" at the VA.

Nor do I quote any part of "Alice's Restaurant Masacree" - Especially Verse 15
"I mean, I wanna—I wanna kill. Kill. I wan—I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill. Kill. KILL! KILL!"
The last few times I've been to the VA, they've asked me if I was depressed or wanted to harm myself or anyone else. "No." It's become standard there. Even their auto-phone menu thingy asks and if so, directs you to the appropriate channels.
Where is the number of vets denied the right to purchase a firearm disclosed? NICS or ?

I have tried to find the overall number of declined background checks in the past but have never been able to locate where that data is made public. Or to anyone in the private sector.

On the subject of mental illness, it is damn near impossible to declare someone legally incompetent thru the courts. I asked the family attorney what I needed to do legally declare my mother incompetent and be her legal custodian/guardian. My mother was becoming batshit crazy with dementia/ALZ at age 93. She drove to the police station to report junk mail. The lawyer gave me a referral to another lawyer who's specializes in this. The cost of even getting this started was ten grand. By the time it's finished, often twice that. And there is no guarantee of the judge's decision.

I know and have known a lot of vets. With only a couple exceptions, the men that worked for my company were all combat vets. Most of their friends are vets. I speak from personal experience that a lot of vets - especially those who were in stressful combat situations have trouble adjusting to normal civilian life. Tragically a lot of those men blow their brains out. I personally knew a couple who did. The suicide rate is very high.

I don't agree with some VA wonk arbitrarily deciding who is denied the right to bear arms. But the likelihood of a judge declaring a vet crazy even if he is deeply troubled is close to zero. So what's the solution?
I don't agree with some VA wonk arbitrarily deciding who is denied the right to bear arms. But the likelihood of a judge declaring a vet crazy even if he is deeply troubled is close to zero. So what's the solution?
According to the VA criteria, any vet who has delegated his / her financial affairs to another person is mentally unqualified to own firearms.
According to the VA criteria, any vet who has delegated his / her financial affairs to another person is mentally unqualified to own firearms.
Does it say anywhere what they mean by, "delegate their financial affairs"? I mean, I admit to being bad with money, budgeting, etc.. So my wife handles all our bills. I split my paychecks 80/20 between our accounts to ensure she has the money to cover bills.🤷‍♀️
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Does it say anywhere what they mean by, "delegate their financial affairs"? I mean, I admit to being bad with money, budgeting, etc.. So my wife handles all our bills. I split my paychecks 80/20 between our accounts to ensure she has the money to cover bills. 🤷‍♀️
I believe it means officially delegated... legally given power of attorney for financial matters. Let me see if I can find a reference.
I guess this means that according to VA, I shouldn't be able to own/possess firearms. Being bad at money management and allowing my wife to handle the bills makes me mentally incompetent. I'm thinking I would fall under what the VA calls, subnormal intelligence. lol...
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The fine print on that is important. I wonder if the VA under pressure from gun control politicians bypassed the normal process for guardianship.

Financial power of attorney is voluntary and by no means declares someone mentally defective. Lots of people do this. it has nothing to do with being incompetent or mental health.
I convinced my mother to give me power of attorney. It says nothing other than someone is designated to legally do anything on their behalf. It doesnt deny them the right to continue to do for themself.

What law did Congress pass in order to enable NICS to deny a background check to a vet? Or is this really not law. It's a rule the VA implemented? This smells like the Atee Eff rule about braces. And many other 'regulations' that are not law.
I guess this means that according to VA, I shouldn't be able to own/possess firearms. Being bad at money management and allowing my wife to handle the bills makes me mentally incompetent. I'm thinking I would fall under what the VA calls, subnormal intelligence. lol...
I believe you should have access to any firearm you want. As long as the rails are not glued in. :0
The VA is probably THE best example of socialism/socialized medicine in this country!
This is true in a sense. If you mean “free” government medical.

However, all care is not free. Care is only free for disabilities with service connection up to 40% . Non service connected care is billed to the member. Vets 50% and greater disabled get care for all ailments. That said- getting a disability service connected is sometimes a PITA. VA has their own unique math system to determine disability % that’s not in favor of vet. For example one could have 5 disabilities at 10%…that does not equal 50% it may still just equal 10%. 😵‍💫

Many vets have difficulty adjusting to civilian way of life, many never do. Reason there’s so many homeless vets. Having medical available is normal way of life, walk in, get treated. I had a hell of a time finding a dentist when I got out. There’s so many quacks out there it’s nearly impossible to find a good one. Thank God I didn’t have to find a Dr. I’d have gone without. Large numbers of vets are badly injured during war time I think the VA is a good thing.

I believe socialism is more on par with Medicare; the rules, low cost and quality care associated with it. It’s not the best medicine, that’s for sure.

In my experience, here in San Diego, VA health care system has some of the best healthcare. They will also often use community care. They have always sent me to the very best in our area. Many of the VA Dr.s are from UC San Diego which is right across the way. It’s one of the best for spinal cord and TBI. Not far up the road, Long Beach, offers SGB for serious PTSD sufferers. The only other medical facility in SanDiego that used to out perform the VA here was Balboa Navy Hospital. Too bad it’s gone way down hill due to extreme lack of military retention and readiness. I still use them on and off. More off the on these days
Yeah, I hate VA math and VA run around. I need to get to an advocate to get some nessus letters so the VA will understand that some of my more recent issues are due to the issues they have been paying me for for 42 years.
Yeah, I hate VA math and VA run around. I need to get to an advocate to get some nessus letters so the VA will understand that some of my more recent issues are due to the issues they have been paying me for for 42 years.
Hope it’s not sleep apnea- they are denying those claims fast as they come in, no C&P either just a letter saying no need to attend. Seems if u got a machine your cured 🙄. Many changes this yr. Lots of DBQs aren’t on the published list anymore…no more personal/ private Dr. only VA Dr. can fill em out. 🫨

Get a good VSO, sometimes they can be very helpful.
I now VA healthcare got a lot better after a lot of bad press in the last 20 years. My Korean War vet FiL was always treated well at the local VA, but when a VA Doc screwed up a hernia operation, they were horrible in the aftermath of that. It's complicated but the poor man's quality of life took a turn for the worse and his options for relief weren't good.

I totally agree with you about Medicare and since I'm a retired Fed Civil Servant after a 40+ year Civil Service career (including 5 years Active Duty), I'm famous for telling my non-fed family and friends, "Nobody can overcomplicate and screw up an issue better than the federal government can in everything they touch!"
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