Breaking! Ay-Tee-Eff Frame / Receiver Rule BACK IN EFFECT... for now.

Breaking news!


Big Kahuna Admin
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Feb 26, 2022
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This JUST in... an hour ago. And I admit I am confused. This is not my "favorite" youtuber. And I don't think he did a good job of 'splainin' what happened.

ETA: See next comment for CBS News report about it.

But basically it seems the Ay-tee-eff's Frame / Receiver rule is BACK in effect. For now. And then apparently on Aug 4th the SCOTUS will either send it back to the lower court or decide to take on the case and decide it once and for all.

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court STAYS FPC Frame/Receiver Victory​

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This guy really irritates me, but this time his video has some early insight that might be worth watching since the news is so fresh and sources of information are lacking. It's not loaded so much with endless background information that we already know about. I've indexed it to skip his typical time wasting intro segments.

In the video below, Mark Smith interviews an attorney and introduces his guest as an AFT expert and 2A attorney. The two of them discuss the Supreme Court's recent decision on the frame rule (stay) and how long it may be for a decision on the appeal currently submitted by the AFT.

Specifically, around 3:20 you have what appear to be two seasoned attorneys dealing with the Supreme Court agreeing that it may be one year, 18 months, or perhaps the rule becomes the law of the land. And, both pretty much agree that it's odd that the SC has left this matter in limbo with two prior courts rendering opinions. I am paraphrasing here, so watch the video yourself. They discuss the impact on the industry and vendors and a broad range of issues.

It is a long one, but probably worth watching just because of their experience. I've indexed past the beginning to skip the intro BS and start about when his guest begins to speak. If you want to hear the specific discussion about how long this matter may take, scroll somewhere just past where I've started the video to just prior to the 3:20min mark.

His guest is no bloviator. His thoughts are well composed and it's obvious he is knowledgeable about firearms and the history of firearms legislation.

ATF EXPERT: 2A ATTORNEY STEPHEN HALBROOK Talks SCOTUS re Biden "đź‘»gun" and "Weapons Part Kits"​

I've posted this before (somewhere), but I think worth posting again.

The genius Founders were able to write The Constitution, a clearly written document that is the Operator's Manual for our entire country, in just 4,543 words.

The new Ay-Tee-eFF rule JUST defining what a gun receiver is... sort of but not really: 106,905 words. 364 pages!

So, it took our current "leaders" 2,253% MORE WORDS than the entire Constitution to UN-define what a fucking gun is.
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Just went to Delta Team Tactical's website out of curiosity... Only serialized frames for sale. No 80% frames.

Good price, though! $70 for a serialized / 100% frame.
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I've posted this before (somewhere), but I think worth posting again.

The genius Founders were able to write The Constitution, a clearly written document that is the Operator's Manual for our entire country, in just 4,543 words.

The new Ay-Tee-eFF rule JUST defining what a gun receiver is... sort of but not really: 106,905 words. 364 pages!

So, it took our current "leaders" 2,253% MORE WORDS than the entire Constitution to UN-define what a fucking gun is.
Truly it shows the difference between our great founders and the current clowns "in charge" today. Today they use words for manipulation not for their actual meaning. Hope they get cancer.
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Do the frames come with parts besides the locking blocks?
Some do, some don't. If it says "complete," then it comes with the lower parts kit already installed.


Or.... You can get a STRIPPED frame...

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