WOTD (watch of the day) Thread. Post yours!

Windows was great. In 1995. Android phones always felt just as dated to me.

My intel-based MacBook Pro ran Windows better and faster than most Windows laptops in its day.
I'll stick to my low budget, yet reliable G-Shocks.... I also have this same one in FDE...
Also considered a "classic" from Casio. The "Duro." A great watch for about $50!

Gold normally isnt my thing, but my pulsar ultra thin band busted and I had meet up with a attorney that thinks Im a dumb redneck. I was mowing the grass with this when he showed up.
He noticed lol.
Found this thread this morning. I have a little history, from 1986 to 2000 I worked at a large electronics warehouse we were the middlemen for the Southwest (9 to 17 states) depending on the companies. Anyway I handled Timex, Casio, Lorus and a couple other brands. 100's of SKU's touched them all.
Had a half dozen Ironman watches and a few G-Shocks. Did not care about nice watches until I got a Seiko for a present one Christmas. Then a Citizen, I was hooked. Bought Bolivia as a present for the EX. Have SS Citizen I wore for 10 years. Now my everyday is World series Citizen. I have a clone Rolex it is a cheap version. I had a Super Clone Daytona and gave it to my F-I-L it was identical, Swiss movement. My daughter who is an assistant manager at a Jewelry store in Sun City measured it and it was only 60ms wavelengths off. Bought daughter and a friend Rolex clones as well. I get them from a warehouse in Hong Kong. There are stages of quality, buyer be where !.
One more thing safes kill watch crystals.
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Gave to FIL... SuperClone !
That picture is a stock photo of a real Rolex, not a "clone." The purveyors of fakes often use those stock photos of the genuine article to sell their counterfeits.

I'm not a fan of counterfeits. When I was in Hong Kong, a lot of my shipmates were buying them. "You can't tell the difference! Nobody will know!" I can tell the difference. And I will know. :) Here's why I don't want a fake: It's because if I want a Rolex, I want... a.... ROLEX. I'm not getting it to impress or FOOL other people into thinking I have a "Rolex." If I get one, I'm getting it because ***I*** will know it's a Rolex.

That's just me... my own personality flaw. I can't do the fake, clone, counterfeit thing.

Similarly, I'd have no interest in a car that looks "JUST" like a Ferrari. I want A FERRARI. For ME.... not to impress or fool others. Alas... I wish I had "such problems!" LOL!

I had a chance to buy a yellow gold Daytona with a meteorite dial some 20+ years ago. I should have gotten it! It was GORGEOUS. Alligator strap with gold clasp. But it was "too much money." It was crazy money then. I've never seen another like it since. Today, it would be worth more than double. Maybe triple. And today... you can't get one. At all. In fact, you can't buy ANY new Rolex sport model from an authorized dealer (AD). They don't have any in stock. Zero. And it's been that way for a few years.

I was just in Vegas. I went to several watch stores (to just drool), which were ADs for Rolex and many other brands. All Rolex watches at ADs are labeled "exhibition only." No shit. You can't buy one. Not even at the Rolex company boutique. All watches are for "exhibition only." But most of the slots in the case are empty. They don't even have any Submariners, Explorers, GMTs, or Daytonas to even LOOK at. If you are a REPEAT customer, they will put you on a waiting list. If you're not a repeat customer, they'll put you "on the waiting list" (as far as you know).

The only way you can get a new Rolex today is on the gray market. And you will pay a HUGE premium over MRSP. Usually about double MSRP. The market is crazy.
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Racer88, I agree with most of that except My daughter can get used and new Rolex 's. But she is in the industry. Always talks trash about my fake watches. Lol 😂 😆 I only wear them on a dinner date. That Super Clone is identical and is made in a watch factory, no flaws only way is the paperwork and measurements of the wavelength. Weighs the same, Swiss movement ,same internals , face bezel & Crystal undistinguishable. Good for business meetings and dates.
That Super Clone is identical and is made in a watch factory, no flaws only way is the paperwork and measurements of the wavelength. Weighs the same, Swiss movement ,same internals , face bezel & Crystal undistinguishable.
I'm a watch guy, and I have no idea what "wavelength" refers to as it pertains to watches.

But I can promise you that ANY fake... even a really good one... is NOT "identical" nor is it indistinguishable. I understand wanting to believe that is the case when you've purchased a "good" counterfeit. But I can guarantee you that the folks over at the Watchuseek forum can pick it out in mere seconds. It happens nearly daily there. I've learned a lot on those threads.

And if you send it to Rolex for service, they'll tell you in about two seconds if it's fake, too.

Yes... there are cheap fakes and expensive fakes. And some are better than others. And while the average observer (who knows nothing about them) may be fooled... Someone with knowledge will catch it in seconds.

That's not to mention it's a crime not only to manufacture counterfeits... it's a crime to buy them.

And having witnessed it, I'll recommend against fucking around with US Customs. They do NOT fuck around. The penalties are STIFF.
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Today's watch. One of my favorites... Bulova Lunar Pilot.

That Super Clone is identical and is made in a watch factory, no flaws only way is the paperwork and measurements of the wavelength. Weighs the same, Swiss movement ,same internals , face bezel & Crystal undistinguishable. Good for business meetings and dates.
Unrelated to watches, but related to countefeits....

An acquaintance gave me a MicroTech OTF Scarab knife as a gift. It was a surprise, and I was thrilled! And he was proud to give me the knife, which normally goes for about $400+.

Of course, one of the fun things about OTF knives is deploying and retracting the blade. It's like a "fidget toy." On the very first day of owning it I was playing with it... and... kaput. Broken.

There happened to be a faded (thermal printer) receipt in the box. I could make out that he paid about $200 for it. Hmmmmm.... Not cheap! But not full price. I looked closely at it, and at photos of the real thing on the internet. If it was fake, it was a really good one. It even had the trademark three-hole MicroTech screws. Most counterfeit MicroTechs don't. I was not an expert on these knives, but I had a bad feeling.

I sent it to MicroTech to be fixed, knowing that it was entirely possible they'd tell me it was a fake. Sure enough... they informed me it was a fake. They won't fix it, and if I want it back, I have to pay for shipping costs. But they did offer me 25% off selected models (the Scarab is discontinued). I told them to keep it and use it in their research and reporting (they put out videos) about counterfeits.

I didn't have the heart to tell my friend it was a fake. Never said a word about it.

I have since purchased my own very authentic MicroTech OTF Troodon knife and carry it every day. I've flicked it innumerable times. And it's going strong!

Glock, MicroTech, Lumtec!
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I was at OTF knife shop here are will be getting one in the $150 to $190 price race soon. The MircoTech knives are nice but It's the name that you are paying for. I will find the site.
I get by on Kershaw, whatever they call it, semi automatic flip out knives. I lose them, drop them off the boat, of break them all the time so I don't go big. I do try to buy a USA made version every once in a while to keep that line going.

Wal Mart carries one that used to cost 9.99 and were always sold out. I would grab one or two when in stock. I give them out as stocking stuffers or presents. It's what I carry 90% of the time.

I have one Buck that works the same as the Kershaw except very robust and authoritative opening. Almost switch blade fast. Maybe that is why the model vanished very quickly and the closest replacement wasn't nearly as sporty.
Me: Benchmade and CRKT mostly.
Raven Crest Tactical OTF knives are made in house and are crafted quality.Its the next knife I buy.