Illinois bans 👻guns..

That's my question. I have not read the law (since I don't live in IL). But, it would not make sense if they passed a law requiring a random number on the gun applied by the owner of the gun with no cross-reference to that number in the hands of some authority or central database.

It would be akin to letting car owners crafting their own license plates. It would serve no purpose other than decorative.
You pretty much summed-up 90% of the gun-control laws right there...
"it would not make sense"
"It would serve no purpose other than decorative."


One of the concerns I have had all along (and posted about back on MGB's Forum) was if/when Serialization becomes mandatory for simple personal-use ownership, how do we deal with a DIY Serialization etching or engraving that is now in the way of a required FFL-applied and ATF-issued number... Unless the answer is a straight-up IWNC, it is a hassle, difficult, ugly, and potentially opens the can of worms of "destroying identifying marks on a firearm", utterly stupid to look at that becoming a problem but then again, who are we dealing with?? Just food for thought on this, but worth considering before taking any direct action on a frame.
I haven’t lived in Chiraq in several years, but did have an IL CCW permit when I did. At this point, I’m beyond worrying about new gun laws. They’re gonna pass em, good ones will get vetoed, and after the last two years, I’ll just ignore them completely. No problem.
how do we deal with a DIY Serialization etching or engraving that is now in the way of a required FFL-applied and ATF-issued number... Unless the answer is a straight-up IWNC, it is a hassle, difficult, ugly, and potentially opens the can of worms of "destroying identifying marks on a firearm", utterly stupid to look at that becoming a problem but then again, who are we dealing with??

I was with ya on the acronyms until "IWNC." No clue on that one. :)
I was with ya on the acronyms until "IWNC." No clue on that one. :)

"I Will Not Comply". Not a blind-folded sheep...😑
well hopefully i still receive my frame i ordered it yesterday too 😄