Fake Meat eeewwww !

Good thing this forum isn't full of moderators enforcing silly rules like "no thread drift!" :)
Soylent Green was truly the first thing that came to my mind at the get-go. If I hijacked too much, not intended to, just let me know @ P.M. 👍
Soylent Green was truly the first thing that came to my mind at the get-go. If I hijacked too much, not intended to, just let me know @ P.M. 👍
Seriously... no worries! I've never understood forums where they get all snippy if anyone deviates from the thread subject. It's a conversation! Conversations sometimes drift.

Soylent Green... Is PEOPLE!

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As far as fake food is concerned, I think y’all are mostly bashing the hippy PETA angle.
Concerned about fake food? Go to a Walmart and start reading food labels.
Processed food is what kills people….slowly.
Good thing this forum isn't full of moderators enforcing silly rules like "no thread drift!" :)
It's much more interesting that way!
That's how NFATalk has been run for 13 years.
The de-rails sometimes take you to interesting places you wouldn't have gone if there were rules. ;)
If it came out of a can or a frozen bag or was otherwise processed (as in heat and serve), my parents ate it and lived to be 89 (dad) and 95 (mom). They never ate a meal that was 'organic' and for the last 15 years of her life, my mother ate crackers, chips, and Cheetos all day.

So much for eating healthy. I never had a meal cooked from scratch or fresh ingredients until I was 18 years old and left home.

A little hexacholorhydroxymethadrizinine to preserve freshness never hurt anybody. If you want to live a long life, get off your ass and do physical work or exercise.
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That for sure
Eat fresh food. Grow your own if you can. Definitely don’t eat prepackaged processed stuff. It’s not food.
I agree, but only because I enjoy the taste of fresh, natural meat and vegetables. And I enjoy cooking. My paternal grandmother grew everything she could. Worked the garden herself. She made her own bread and pasta. She lived to be 97 and saw a doctor maybe ten times in her entire life. Simple is always better. My parents did none of that. Processed food is awful, but it won't kill you. Inactivity, stress and genetics have more influence. Those who are fat and inactive die prematurely.
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If there is need for another direction.
Buddy is starting a FIK - oshit bag/ emergency kit??? He came over to ask & show about the use of harbor freight magnesium fire staters.
I went inside while he was going through the motions, grabbed a slice of American cheese. Ripped it in half, gave 1 peice to the dog. Lit the other and started a fire with it.
If there is need for another direction.
Buddy is starting a FIK - oshit bag/ emergency kit??? He came over to ask & show about the use of harbor freight magnesium fire staters.
I went inside while he was going through the motions, grabbed a slice of American cheese. Ripped it in half, gave 1 peice to the dog. Lit the other and started a fire with it.
So there I was ....

Having dinner with a beautiful Greek girl in a small but refined restaurant in Idra. Then the saganaki scorched my eyebrow.

Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 8.02.26 AM.png

Cheese burns.
This information in the link below is important for the USA. We import a lot of food from the Netherlands and they are among the largest food exporters in the world and the citizens and farmers are openly battling the New World Order crackdowns to kill the farming and livestock industries there. If any of you have followed this during the past two years, you will know about the crackdowns, protests and riots where people have been shot at by the police with live ammo in farming protests.

They just won significant seats within their government almost overnight. No doubt, Dominion is soon to be on the way to infest their nation soon. The NWO can't have the general public distributing and producing food.

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What I dont get about vegetarians etc is they love it when you show an interest in learning about plant based meat products- with is a oxymoron. But when you attempt to share your interest in animal meat knowledge, they get all kinds of pissy.
Dated this vegan chick, learned about alllll kinds of cooking vegan. But I hang 1 doe off her window awning to learn her about how to gut bambi. She calls the cops.
Not exactly open minded people, vegans.
What I dont get about vegetarians etc is they love it when you show an interest in learning about plant based meat products- with is a oxymoron. But when you attempt to share your interest in animal meat knowledge, they get all kinds of pissy.
Dated this vegan chick, learned about alllll kinds of cooking vegan. But I hang 1 doe off her window awning to learn her about how to gut bambi. She calls the cops.
Not exactly open minded people, vegans.
"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?" 😁 :outta here:

PS... My wife and I tried the vegan thing for about 9 months. NINE months! When I tell a vegan this, he or she invariably exclaims, "Didn't you feel GREAT?!??"

Answer: NO. I was fucking HUNGRY! All. The. Time! It was also a giant pain in the ass trying to find something to eat that didn't violate the "rules." We were miserable. But we gave it a shot on the basis that it would be "healthy."

And I do find it funny and ironic that vegan food is often shaped / colored / textured to look like MEAT or ANIMAL PRODUCTS. That contradicts their proclaimed ethos of rejecting all food that comes from animals on a philosophical and moral basis. Then why do you try SO HARD to make it LOOK and FEEL like... food from animals???
riots where people have been shot at by the police with live ammo in farming protests.
However that was after a protester tried to run over a cop with a farm tractor.
I have thought about vegan/vegetarian now and then. I see the logic. But I haven't done it. Mostly out of laziness. I could do it. My wife could not. She's an unrepentant meat eater and French. A life without butter just isn't worth living. She is a dead ringer for Audrey Hepburn and never gains weight. Call me lucky.

Since we are sharing, my mother was the worst cook on the planet. At every meal, my siblings and I quietly wondered, "What in Gods name is this?" when a meal was served. Full disclosure: We were not poor. I had friends whose parents struggled to make ends meet who ate far better than I did.

Dad grew up dirt poor but did well in adult life. He knew what it was like to be hungry and inhaled Mom's mystery meals like each was his last with no complaint. My best friends in childhood were those whose mothers were excellent cooks. I went out of my way to be polite and flattering to those women in the hope of an invitation to dinner or lunch. That worked like a charm. Housewives in those days were often unappreciated. You catch more flies with honey so I was a freaking beehive of compliments to my friends Mom's. It wasn't entirely based on the desperate need for nutrition. I genuinely appreciated them.

I've tasted fake meat and it really isn't all that bad. But I question the environmental claims made by those who advocate plant based meat simulations vs. raising and eating animals. Factories, additives, etc also require a lot of energy. Not to mention every health expert and every person with the common sense of a horse knows that processed food is bad for us. A simple, un-processed food diet is the key to a long, healthy life. Manufactured food has too many chemicals, too much sugar, too much salt. Some of us are immune to all these additives and some are not. It can shorten your life or not have any effect. It's a crap shoot.

The older I get, the more I dislike the plight of animals raised for food. It's cruel. There's no nice way to kill animals at scale to feed millions of people. I don't like killing anything that doesn't deserve it. I capture an occasional spider or other bug in the house and take them outside.

I'm not that old, but some say as men age they begin to fear death. Maybe that has something to do with my point of view.
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The older I get, the more I dislike the plight of animals raised for food. It's cruel. There's no nice way to kill animals at scale to feed millions of people. I don't like killing anything that doesn't deserve it. I capture an occasional spider or other bug in the house and take them outside.
I ride in this boat too. I have no problems with people hunting for food -I don't like sport-hunters that kill for no other reason- and it doesn't bother me that people eat meat, our bodies were designed for it and it is a natural aspect of being 'human'. But the connection between the life of the animal that was killed to feed people, and the meat pre-packaged in the grocery-store is so displaced that my personal morals tell me it is wrong for me. And that is one of the big differences to me -I don't preach it, because my choice applies to me, not anyone else around me -it is an individual choice and I start with respecting that.
I have seen cattle-pens, heard enough of the stories of force-fed caged-in chickens, I want no part of that process, it is flat-out evil, but it is an imperfect world, and as yet I don't see the 'right' answer when there are billions of hungry mouths looking for the next meal that they will die without. So I don't have any Right or reason to judge the people who need to eat. But those in our household that do eat meat get the 'humanely raised' (and we take a moment to research and verify, because there is fraud out there) sources -it is usually better-tasting and more nutritious anyway. [Shrug]

As to the scoffs of why the effort is made to emulate meat, it is because people by nature are resistant to change, and don't like giving things up when told they 'should'. It is a transition product for people used to buying frozen burger-patties and Tyson breaded chicken bits. The equivalent to real fresh meat is more like Tofu. But it takes a little more effort and skill to make that palatable -and folks dipping their toes in the water of a meatless diet aren't going to start with that successfully very often -but it IS healthy, and done right downright tasty. I'm happy with my choices in this over the (many, many, MANY :ROFLMAO:) years, but I don't feel 'superior' about it, or pride, or vanity. The only thing I've 'given up' over the years is convenience, and the newer products have returned that to me, and added different menu options too. Nothing wrong with that, again, no judging from here. [Shrug]

The two questions are, "are you willing to 'give up' the type of food you eat for whatever benefits you see do switching to a vegetarian diet?' and 'why do you think it has to be 'giving up' something, is that a mindset that will actually effect this change successfully if you are the one choosing to try it?';)
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