Oh, you mean the BS marketing plan about how awesome it would be to build your own serialized firearm?
I didn't think you were serious about that
I suppose if they didn't understand their customers, nor realize there are probably thousands of other outlets for that same thing.
Being new to the hobby, you probably don't know that you can buy serialized frames for many firearms, along with custom slides, triggers, grips, barrels, etc.,etc..
Polymer80 does understand it's customer base. It knows that while most of us enjoy building our own, the main draw is being under the radar.
So, in an attempt to keep their customers happy, they came out with a product that while a PITA and beyond the capabilities of many, still gave many what they wanted.
You on the other hand suggest that they say to hell with our customer base, to hell with the people who have supported us and made us basically the only 80% handgun company still standing, screw them, let's start putting out a product they can get anywhere else. That sounds like a great strategy.